Tuesday 12 February 2019

Female Lawyers Of India

There is a popular saying that behind every successful man there is a woman. However, this may not be true and unmistakably not true in the case of a woman – who fought with all the differences, discrimination and manage to rise or uplift herself with little support.
 In earlier years, women have considered as a puppet who can only sufficient to do household chores and in managing our family. Nevertheless, from the last decade or two women came up as a superhero or you can say the true fighter of the modern era. Like most other professional or graduate courses across the world, studying law has become the strength of male dominant society, but not anymore.

You guessed it right; I am talking about the Famous Female Lawyers of India. These superwomen have cracked all the odds and discrimination to become successful, to led a life which they want and also have contributed amazingly to the judicial system of India.

Here is the list of some leading women who amazed us with their great judicial knowledge:


     Ms. Meenakshi Arora is a lawyer designated as senior counsel practicing at Supreme Court of India. She started her career in law in 1986 when she was enrolled in the bar council. At first, she practiced at Delhi High Court and some other small courts and then she transferred to Supreme Court of India. Then after 3 yrs. i.e., in 1989 she became an Advocate-on-Record at the Supreme Court by qualifying an exam. She had a great and brief time working with Goodwin and Soble, an international firm in Washington D.C. At her foundational years of private practice, she worked continuous to understand the Law. In year 2010 her name was prescribed by Judges' Collegiums for rise as a Judge of Delhi High Court anyway, she denied to end up a Judge and was content with her private practice in Supreme Court. This person inspires so many advocates in the Supreme Court to wither an energetic and lively attitude

2.      Flavia Agnes:-
She is a women’s right lawyer. A pioneer of the women’s development, she has worked reliably on issues of sexual orientation and law changes. As fellow benefactor of MAJLIS, a lawful and social asset focus, her essential commitment has been to give quality legitimate administrations to women and youngsters. She is one of the supporter of legal pluralism. She became the face who bravely fought for the Christian personal laws and rights of Muslim women. Her association, Majlis has worked reliably in countering the rising influx of Hindu fundamentalism in the nation.  Her more recent commitment has been with issues of democracy, secularism and identity politics.

3. Indira Jaising:-

 Next in the list is the 78-year-old Indira Jaising. She is outstanding to bring down any individual who may represent a risk to the rights delighted in by women in India. She is one of the individuals who has committed their life to battle for the reason for human rights and established legal counselor’s aggregate, a human rights organization. She had a critical commitment in the drafting of the Domestic Violence Act (2005). She is likewise the principal woman to be delegated as an Additional Solicitor General of India in 2009.

        At last, one thing that I found common between these women is they all fight for human rights and women empowerment. These believe that all are equal; they had not done partiality between men and women. They have executed their work so gracefully that they have become an inspiration for all the girls and women to prove themselves. For more information Visit: www.ziajudicials.com.

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