History of Indian Judiciary
has a single unified and integrated judicial system and Supreme Court of India
is at the apex court of the Indian judicial system. Judiciary plays an
important role as an organ of the government. It settles disputes, interprets
laws, protects fundamental rights and acts as guardian of the Constitution.
ancient times, the concept of justice was inextricably linked with religion and
was embedded in the ascriptive norms of socially stratified caste groups. Most
of the Kings’ courts dispensed justice according to ‘dharma’, a set of eternal
laws rested upon the individual duty to be a performer in four stages of life
(ashrama) and status of the individual according to his status (varna). In
medieval times, the dictum ‘King can do no wrong’ was applied and the King
arrogated to himself an important role in administering justice. He became the
apostle of justice and so the highest judge in the kingdom. With the advent of
the British colonial administration, India witnessed a judicial system
introduced on the basis of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence.
The Sapru committee’s the report, published in 1945, considered the question of the judiciary in some
detail, reiterating what the Government of India Act 1935 had set out.: there
would be a Federal Court of India which would be the forerunner to the Supreme
Court. To separate the judiciary from the executive, the Sapru committee
suggested that judges should have fixed salaries and tenures and that they
could only be removed for gross misbehavior. Judges were to be appointed by
the president, in consultation with the CJI. The committee appointed to deal
with judicial questions as part of the Constituent Assembly in 1946 was
influenced by the Sapru report, though there was concern over the degree of
power is given to presidential will. Nehru However supported the Sapru Committee's
suggestions. In 1949, Nehru told the Constituent Assembly judges ought to be individuals of “the highest integrity,” who could “stand up against the
executive government, and whoever may come in their way.” BR Ambedkar
emphasized the need for judicial independence as well, saying that: “There can
be no difference of opinion in the House that our judiciary must both be
independent of the executive and must also be competent in itself.” Finally,
the constitution stated that “Every Judge of the Supreme Court shall be
appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal after
consultation with such of the Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High
Courts in the States as the President may deem necessary for the purpose,”
given that “in the case of appointment of a Judge other than the Chief Justice,
the Chief Justice of India shall always be consulted Courts.
Supreme Court of India: The supreme court is the highest court of the country or
nation, which is established by the Constitution. According to it, the Supreme The court is a federal court, guardian of the Constitution and the highest court of
appeal. Articles 124 to 147 of the Constitution lay down the composition and
jurisdiction of the Court. Primarily, it is an appellate court which takes up
appeals against judgments of the High Courts of the states and territories.
However, it also takes writ petitions in cases of serious human rights
violations or any petition filed under Article 32 which is the right to
constitutional remedies or if a case involves a serious issue that needs
immediate resolution. It had its inaugural sitting on 26 January 1950, the day
India's constitution came into force, and since then has delivered more than
24,000 reported judgments.
Supreme Court comprises the Chief Justice and 30 other Judges.
proceedings of the Supreme Court are conducted in English only. The Supreme
Court Rules of 1966 are framed under Article 145 of the Constitution to
regulate the practice and procedure of the Supreme Court. The same is amended
and presently governed by the Supreme Court Rules of 2013.
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